Sunday, 18 November 2012

Using Filofax for Design

I have been pondering getting back to my interior design roots. I worked for an interior design company for three and a half years but unfortunately had to leave due to disagreements with the management (in short...). So, have any of you lovely people used your Filofax for interior design, redecorating your home, recording paint colours you like?

I found some inspirational images on the web:

Courtesy of
Courtesy of
Courtesy of
Courtesy of

1 comment:

indigogarden said...

I'm in the process of figuring out how to configure an A5 filofax to be my future jewelry design notebook. I want a place to draw jewelry designs and keep recipe notes on each design I come up with.

I find paper is superior in this sort of thing because you can keep things true to color and mix and match your media. Most of my color wheels and other color guides are on paper, so this gives me a place to store them too.