Monday, 15 October 2012

I won a Domino on eBay :)

After much consideration and hours of browsing the Internet for a purple Finchley (which I believe is discontinued) or a purple Malden (equally hard to get hold of), I have reverted back to an organiser I used to have, which worked very well for me.

I decided to buy from eBay as I don't have a lot of spare money this month, I found a grape Domino for £8.50 with 10 bids and managed to win it for £14... don't you love it when you snatch something from the highest bidder in the last few seconds?!

It's not that much of a bargain but I couldn't find the grape anywhere else, only in the gourmet box, but that costs about £35 and I didn't need any of the inserts as I print my own.

I have used pocket dominos before and you can fit so much in them, they are flexible and smart, and it's almost the same colour as my beloved Finsbury!

She is still with Filofax so I'm hoping for a call soon about a replacement, which depending on what they offer me I may just sell the replacement they send me.

Will review the domino when she's here!


Unknown said...

Woods in Bath still have the Purple Finchelys in stock in their shop in all sizes - or they did a week or so agao. Full price though :(

Unknown said...

Oh, I should have said, they have purple maldens too.